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ExecuPride LGBTQ+ Company Scores

ExecuPride LGBTQ+ Company Scores

ExecuPride LGBTQ+ Company Scores

ExecuPride provides insights on LGBTQ+ inclusion in various regions, industries, and assets.
ExecuPride leverages the power of data science to monitor advancements and provide insights on LGBTQ+ inclusion in various regions, industries, and assets. By filling the gap of a lack of up-to-date and reliable data on LGBTQ+ inclusion at the company level, ExecuPride plays a crucial role. With a rich 5-year history, ExecuPride has demonstrated continuous dedication to advancing LGBTQ+ inclusion through strategic data science, including a sophisticated scoring system. They have successfully analyzed over 7,000 companies across 100+ countries, expanding our reach to various sectors.